---------------------------------------------------------------------- DevpacST VERSION 1 ------------------ Copyright (c) HiSoft 1987. Brought to you by ST Format Magazine and HiSoft ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------ ST Format, in collaboration with HiSoft, bring you HiSoft Devpac Version 1.... for free!! This text file is a short tutorial getting going with the two Devpac programs, GENST and MONST. We chose Devpac over all the opposition because it is generally regarded by all the top programmers as THE development system on the ST and Amiga. Getting Started --------------- Devpac version 1 comes in two parts; the GENST assembler and MONST, the debugger. You can load both of these programs by clicking directly on their icons on the Desktop. MONST comes to you in two versions, MONST.PRG and MONST.TOS. MONST.PRG is the version that you'll probably use most of all and the rest of this text is based around that version. Using the GENST Assembler/Editor -------------------------------- GENST is the assembler part of the Devpac development system. From within this program you can write your code and assemble it. The Editor part of the program is just a standard text editor not unlike those you've probably used a thousand times before. You can enter, then edit your code using the cursor keys, backspace etc in the standard manner. Once you've written your program you must next assemble it. This is achieved by selecting the ASSEMBLE option from the pull down menus. Once selected, a dialog box will pop up on the screen containing two fields: Binary filename and Listing. BINARY FILENAME :Entering a filename within this field will tell Devpac where you would like the final, assembled program to be written. For example, if you want your program to be called 'TEST.PRG' and be written to drive B, you would enter B:\TEST.PRG. LISTING :Select one of the four buttons to determine where the assembly listing is to be channelled to. To actually run your program, you will have to exit GENST. Double click on the icon for your program and hopefully, it should run ok. Using the MONST Monitor/Debugger -------------------------------- MONST is the Devpac monitor/debugger tool that is used to debug your programs to stop them dropping bombs on your desktop. Once MONST is loaded, it will ask you for the filename of the program you wish to debug. For examples sake, lets say your program called TEST.PRG wasn't doing what you wanted it to do, you would therefore enter 'TEST.PRG' at this prompt. Devpac will then prompt you to enter a command line, just press twice and you will be magically transported to the MONST main screen. If you take a look at the screen, you will notice that all sorts of useful information about the current state of the system is displayed, such as the values held in the 8 data registers (D0-D7), the 8 address registers (A0-A7), the status register (SR) and the program counter (PC). From within MONST, you can step through the execution of your program and observe at a glance the effect of your program on the different registers. MONST is a powerful program and it would therefore be impossible for use to fully document it. Listed below is a short overview of the most important keys but for a more indepth look at MONST, you are advised to treat yourself to the full version. MONST Key Controls Overview: ---------------------------- CTRL + Z : Single Step - Executes the next opcode CTRL + R : Resume Execution - Takes you out of single step mode and starts running the rest of your program. CTRL + C : Exits from MONST and returns you to the Desktop